Walking Tennessee // Week 17 // Made it to Memphis, home of the King, baby!!

Day 113-115// Jackson to Bells // 16 miles // total 817m                                                                                      (took 3 days, kept having to stop because of bad weather)                                                                                  Day 116 // Bells to Brownsville // 12 miles // miles in total 829                                                                           Day 117 // Brownsville to Covington // 23 miles // miles in total 852                                                                  Day 118 // Covington to Memphis // 2 miles and a car // miles in total 854

// Made it to Memphis // 

Sometimes we lose ourselves in the moment and we can't see the big picture. Sometimes life is not as easy as it seems and even when you have it all, you feel alone. We shouldn't put so much pressure on ourselves. I took a car today, for 30 miles, I CHEATED, and it felt great and I regret nothing!! RIP Williams


Jessica: I’m getting close to Memphis.  Probably about three days away.  The weather’s been rainy.  Humid.  I’m dripping in sweat.  I’ve been on the road for over four months, and Alejandro’s coming to visit me.  In six days.

01:16:28.19   And, I’m going to Memphis.  It just so happens — it’s Elvis Week.  Basically every moment in my life has led, every event in my life has led to this moment. Elvis Week.   If you don’t know what Elvis Week is, it’s where, it’s a week Elvis died.  He died on August 15th.   And a bunch of crazy people hang out in Memphis, around Graceland.  
[Sighs] It’s gonna be great.  America.  You're so hot in August, America.  And the sheriff keeps circling.  I’m currently in Brownsville, Tennessee.  Uh, uh — is that [wind] Uh.  It’s a little moment of wind.  I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through Arkansas.  And I don’t know how I’ve made it here, so...                                   Interesting how that works out.

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