Florida // Weeks 18 and 19 // Special visit from my love, Alejandro and a surprise invite to the beach!

I had such a great time hanging out in Memphis. I got to see the sites, hang at the local coffee shop, do standup and record a couple podcasts and a radio show, which you can find under my bio page. After I hung in Memphis for a few days, my boyfriend Alejandro met me. It's the second time we have seen each other since I left over four months ago.  After our meet up, I got an offer for a free ride and 4 night stay in Panama City Beach, Florida (pcb baby). If I am going to make it to Cali on foot, I really have to get moving, but also I know sometimes life gives you opportunities that you just can't pass up, so, a trip to the beach it was.  Hanging out in the water and sand was great. It reminded me to enjoy the journey of my trip and not get to caught up in the "rules", we make our own rules for life, and I for one, have never been a fan of most of them. So, like feather in the wind, I float along, where I may land, no one will know.  (Also! My sister got engaged and is going to be getting married, in Nashville, in October, so it looks like I will be seeing you again soon Nashville!!)

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