Walking Texas // Week 28 // Trust in the Unknown

Day 191 // Elk City to Sayre // 23 miles // miles walked in total 1,386
Day 192 // Rest Day
Day 193 // Sayre to Erick // 20 miles // miles walked in total 1,406
Day 194 // Too much fun, needed another rest day
Day 195 // Erick to McLean, TEXAS // 13 miles by tour bus + 22 miles by foot // miles walked in total 1,428
Day 196 // McLean to Alanreed // 9 miles // miles in total 1,437
Day 197 // Alanreed to Groom // 6 miles by scooter, 18 by foot // miles walked in total 1,455

I am officially in Texas.  I’m walking in Texas.  Last few days were a little crazy.  Went to the music festival.  Festival was awesome.  It was great.  It was a little weird.  There were a lot of cowboys.  Uh, they wore hats.  They wore cowboy hats and, and they had tight pants.  And they had big belt buckles.  And they seemed pretty flamboyantly homosexual, but, you know.  They might never know it.  But they looked great.  And I filmed some stuff of the band.  Um, met the band afterwards.  Hung out with them in the green room, drank way too many beers.  Uh, smoked some pot.  And, although I'd already set my tent up, was convinced to, in the, ‘bout 3:30 in the morning, just break down my tent, throw all my stuff in my cart — in the dark.And put it on the tour bus and sleep on the tour bus, because they had a hotel room, and they were not gonna let me camp out there, ‘cause no one else was camping, so it was just gonna be me alone.  So I slept on the tour bus.  Woke up there feeling all hung over.  And, um — whew.  Yesterday, just hung out with Jesse from the band.Uh, scored some pot, so that should get me a little bit for the rest of my trip.  And now I’m leaving from Shamrock, Texas, headed to McLean.  ‘Bout 21 miles.  Piece of cake.  Hopefully no one’s watching me with this camera.  And they're gonna come and mug me.  And murder me! No, they won’t.  I’m gonna be fine.  Whew!  Going up a hill here.

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