Walking New Mexico // Week 33 // Back on the road, Last week in New Mexico

Day 224 // Datil to Pie Town // 22 miles // miles walked in total 1,590
Day 225, 226 // Thanksgiving hang with lot's of Pie
Day 227 //Pie Town to Quemado // 22 miles // miles walked in total 1,612
Day 228 // Quemado to somewhere // 25 miles // miles walked in total 1,637
Day 229 // somewhere to Springerville // 25 miles // miles walked in total 1,662
Day 230 // Bestie surprised me on the side of the road and kidnapped me to Kingman for a few days.

My third day in Pie Town I went back to the Pio-neer to do a little writing and say my goodbyes. As I was sitting enjoying a bowl of soup, Stan yell's "Hey, Jess, we got a walker" and he stepped outside onto the porch. I followed behind and sure enough, cruising down the road, a woman pushing a cart. It was like an out of body experience, this is what I looked like, this is what people saw when they saw me. She pushed her cart up to the large porch and we all stood in wander. She took off her bandana and hat and asked if she could get some water. Well of course come on in. 

She said she hadn't realized a town was here and she thought she would have been road camping that night. She said she had seen a sign for a campground up ahead and that she was going to stay the night there. "You're not staying at the Toaster house. 

Brittany drove me from Denver to Datil. I was back on the trail after a week visiting my family after racing to Papaw's side. We left during a snow storm and drove all through the night until we made it back to the tiny town of Datil. The "town"  at  7,400 in elevation was a post office, and a gas station/ restaurant / Inn. That restaurant had fresh beef from the near by Ranches and it was to die for. When the owner's of the Inn gave me a ride to Albuquerque they let me keep my cart in their barn. 

As we arrived they were happy to see us and gave me directions of where to find my rig. Everything was still there, just as I had left it, only difference was the number of rat teeth prints over some things, but, hey, I guess that's the price you pay to leave everything you own on another side of the country, hoping for the best. Brittany and I had lunch at the restaurant and then she turned around and headed back to Denver. 

I'm in the high desert now, it's freezing at night, sometimes down to the low teens. But the days are beautiful and sunny. 

I’m here in Quemado. My hip hurts.  My right hip.  I did 22 miles yesterday, but that’s pretty standard.  I did it pretty fast, though.  New Mexico is beautiful.  The weather is perfect.  I walked all the way uphill, to the peak of 8,000 feet.And now I’m coming back down.  The next town’s 50 miles away, so...   [It’s gonna] be two days, yeah.  Two days.  Today I’ll just walk ‘til the sun goes down.  Put up my tent somewhere.  I’m feeling... Worried about my hip.  Worried about money. Worried about filming.  Worried about my relationship.  Worried about... My thyroid medicine.  I’m almost out of medicine. Guess I’m worried about a lot of things, so walking should good.  Think about stuff.  Ugh.  I have cell service.  What?  Thank you, Jesus.  [Phone makes noise] The fuck, you know?  It’s all fucked.  We’re all fucked.  Everything’s fucked.  Instant coffee just — like, what is it?  ‘Cause it’s not coffee.  It doesn’t taste like coffee.

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